Winky Wong is six years old when she and her mother move from China to Holland, where her father runs a little restaurant. With everything so different, Winky has to get used to the people, the language and the customs. Her first day at school is a disaster and she never wants to go back. But she soon finds comfort with Saartje, an old pony grazing in a pasture near her home. Winky’s mom is scared of horses, but not so Winky. Winky thinks horses are sweet and warm.
When Winky’s mother unexpectedly needs to travel back to China to tend to her sick mother, Saartje becomes even more important to her. As soon as she is done helping at the restaurant, Winky races her bike to the pasture to hug the pony and feed it carrots. Eventually, she also gets to know Cor, Saartje’s owner. Although she is willing to teach Winky horseback riding, her father will not allow it, much to her distress. He thinks it’s far too dangerous and Winky’s too little still.
Imagine the shock when Saartje suddenly dies. With mama away and Saartje gone, Winky feels desperately alone. She would love to hug a horse so very much. But where can she get one? Not from her parents, that’s for sure. At school, Winky hears about the imminent arrival of St. Nicholas, a very sweet man who gives out presents to everybody. Winky comes up with a great idea. She’ll just ask St. Nicholas for a horse. And in the end, everything will work out fine. Or will it?
October 26th 2005
Mischa Kamp
Tamara Bos
BosBros. (NL)
Warner Bros (NL)
Ebbie Tam
Aaron Wan
Hanyi Han
Jan Decleir
Betty Schuurman
Mamoun Elyuonoussi
Sallie Harmsen
Anneke Blok
Nori de Winter
Winky Wong is six years old when she and her mother move from China to Holland, where her father runs a little restaurant. With everything so different, Winky has to get used to the people, the language and the customs. Her first day at school is a disaster and she never wants to go back. But she soon finds comfort with Saartje, an old pony grazing in a pasture near her home. Winky’s mom is scared of horses, but not so Winky. Winky thinks horses are sweet and warm.
When Winky’s mother unexpectedly needs to travel back to China to tend to her sick mother, Saartje becomes even more important to her. As soon as she is done helping at the restaurant, Winky races her bike to the pasture to hug the pony and feed it carrots. Eventually, she also gets to know Cor, Saartje’s owner. Although she is willing to teach Winky horseback riding, her father will not allow it, much to her distress. He thinks it’s far too dangerous and Winky’s too little still.
Imagine the shock when Saartje suddenly dies. With mama away and Saartje gone, Winky feels desperately alone. She would love to hug a horse so very much. But where can she get one? Not from her parents, that’s for sure. At school, Winky hears about the imminent arrival of St. Nicholas, a very sweet man who gives out presents to everybody. Winky comes up with a great idea. She’ll just ask St. Nicholas for a horse. And in the end, everything will work out fine. Or will it?