Our brand new series ‘No Activity’ is available on Streamz starting today!
A police car, the central dispatch and the hideout of a gang of criminals: these three locations form the backdrop of the new comedy series ‘No Activity’. Hidden in containers with coffee beans, an important Antwerp drug cartel smuggles tons of drugs into the country. But the detectives of Patrol 74 are on their trail and keep a close eye on them.
The main roles in this new series are reserved for Jonas Van Geel and Koen De Bouw, who play the roles of inspectors Staes and Hendriks. In addition, Barbara Sarafian and Charlotte Timmers play in the main cast as the ladies of the central dispatch and Robrecht Vanden Thoren and Wim Willaert are the criminals on duty. The series revolves entirely around these six regular roles, supplemented by a number of guest characters.
‘No Activity’ is a series full of funny dialogues in which the viewer experiences the story from the point of view of different characters. Although the two inspectors of patrol 74 invariably have ‘nothing to report’ to the ladies of the central dispatch, the conversations in the car go in all directions: about their lives and their work, their families and love, about their secrets, their dreams and their fears.
The series is made by Eyeworks and is based on the Australian success series No Activity and was adapted by Koen Burssens (‘Safety First’, ‘Hoe Zal Ik Het Zeggen?’). It is directed by Jeroen Dumoulein (‘Spitsbroers’, ‘Coppers’) and the series is produced by Eyeworks Film & TV Drama.