‘Gale Force 10’ combines high tension rescue operations with an inside look on squadron life and the professional and emotional conflicts between these men and women for whom danger is only an alarm call away.
Put 15 young men and women together on stand-by in a relatively confined space, and tensions are bound to rise. Incompatible characters, crushes, financial problems, jealousy and missed promotions, tragic secrets in their pasts, the by-the-book pettiness of the commanding officer, the terrible blows of losing a rescued life…
Sharing the joys, the hardship and the danger creates bonds between these men and women that may put stress on their marriages and relationships. The last thing they need is another blonde. Especially when she turns out to be a hard-boiled fighter pilot from the F-16 tiger squad.
On air
1997 - 1998
13 episodes x 50'
(2 saisons)
Dirk Corthout
Freddy Coppens
Christian Vervaet
Erik Van Looy
Eric Taelman
Luc Coghe
Mark De Geest
Peter Rondou
Pierre De Clercq
Carl Joos
Jan Bergmans
Nancy Van Beersel
Mark De Wit
Steven R.Thé
Guy Bernaert
Paul Pourveur
Erwin Provoost
Gène Bervoets
Huub Stapel
Andrea Croonenberghs
Warre Borgmans
Ann Ceurvels
Tom Van Bauwel
Ludo Busschots
Marc Van Eeghem
Wim Opbrouck
Vic De Wachter
Tom Van Landuyt
Hilde Heijnen
Gert Lahousse
Kurt Defrancq
‘Gale Force 10’ combines high tension rescue operations with an inside look on squadron life and the professional and emotional conflicts between these men and women for whom danger is only an alarm call away.
Put 15 young men and women together on stand-by in a relatively confined space, and tensions are bound to rise. Incompatible characters, crushes, financial problems, jealousy and missed promotions, tragic secrets in their pasts, the by-the-book pettiness of the commanding officer, the terrible blows of losing a rescued life…
Sharing the joys, the hardship and the danger creates bonds between these men and women that may put stress on their marriages and relationships. The last thing they need is another blonde. Especially when she turns out to be a hard-boiled fighter pilot from the F-16 tiger squad.