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Eyeworks takes option on filmrights of crime trilogy Damen & Vandermeeren

Eyeworks takes an option on the filmrights of Restless (2018), Bottomless (2019) and Relentless (2020), a crime trilogy by Hilde Vandermeeren and Walter Damen.

Hilde Vandermeeren and Eyeworks Film & TV Drama already worked together on ‘Juliet’, a TV-series for VRT & ZDF.

About the trilogy

Meet Kirsten Hartogs, the main character of this crime trilogy and a young and ambitious criminal lawyer. After receiving her law degree, she obtains a position in a prestigious law firm in Lisbon, Fontes & Associados. In her first big murder case, she struggles with right or wrong, the honesty of her client and the constant pressure from the media. Throughout the story, the reader discovers that Kirsten herself was a key witness in a murder case years earlier. As a young girl, she saw Vincent Bertelet murdering his girlfriend Sandy, who was Kirsten’s babysitter. Kirsten testified against him in court and Vincent was put behind bars. Since his recent release from jail, he is again seeking his way into Kirsten’s life, looking for revenge.